Introducing Nickel City Pretty Video Series


I am thrilled to finally share a project I've been working on for the last few months! Today marks the launch of the first video in a new series with Buffalo-based lifestyle blog Nickel City Pretty.

PSN Creative teamed up with Nickel City Pretty creator Lindsay Robson to develop a companion piece to her popular "Nickel City Gritty" interview series. The intent is to further showcase the fun and lighthearted interactions she has with local business owners and newsmakers through video.

In the debut episode, we traveled to Lloyd Taco Factory in Williamsville, NY for a round of rapid-fire questions with Pete Cimino, co-founder of Lloyd. Take a look:

After you watch the video be sure to read the full interview between Lindsay and Pete to learn more about the man behind the brand.

Highlighting local businesses, go-getters, and personalities is one of my favorite creative outlets, and I'm always looking for new ways to shine a light those who are doing something special. If you have an idea for the next Nickel City Pretty video (or something else entirely!) don't be shy, say hi!

- Pat